Lecker Bricks Apfel getreidefrei
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There are many reasons to reward your horse. Young horses in particular can benefit from positive reinforcement in various situations - be it the first time in the pasture, when giving hooves, when tying up or when getting used to the saddle

Our Lecker Bricks Apple grain-free offer a tasty reward, even for horses with sensitive metabolisms. The grain-free Lecker Bricks contain little starch and sugar. High-quality raw materials such as apple pomace, linseed meal and sunflower meal also support digestion. Feeding with a reduced grain and sugar content is essential, especially for horses that tend to be overweight or struggle with metabolic problems such as EMS, PSSM, Cushing's disease or laminitis. After all, even horses that are only allowed to receive limited amounts occasionally deserve confirmation.

81,7 smältbart protein (vRp)

frukt (äppel) drav 40,0 %
Luserngrönmjöl 30,0 %
sockerbetor-massa pellets 10,0 %
Kalciumkarbonat 5,5 %
linfrömjöl 5,0 %
Solrosfrömjöl 5,0 %
betmelass 4,2 %
Äpplen (torkade) 0,1 %
Råprotein 12,10 %
Råfett 1,80 %
Växttråd 19,60 %
Råaska 12,00 %
Kalcium 2,90 %
Fosfor 0,25 %
Natrium 0,08 %
Socker 10,50 %
Propionsäure aus Calciumpropionat (1a282) TA 1832 mg
Subject to change
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