Uncle Pet Premium Guinea Pig Feed
Guinea Pig Feed
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Supplementary feed for guinea pigs

Our Uncle Pet Premium Guinea Pig Feed is a balanced supplementary feed, which contains all the natural goodness of high-quality cereals, herbs, fruit and vegetables, helping to ensure that your guinea pig is receiving a species-appropriate diet. The dried peppers, carrots and apple pieces not only add flavour but also provide important nutrients, as well as vitamin C for a strong immune system. Thanks to the addition of our Eggersmann Micro-Herbs, a fermented plant extract made from a variety of wild, medicinal and aromatic herbs, this feed is extremely easy to digest, and therefore ideal for guinea pigs with digestive problems.

majs (flingor) 14,4 %
Luserngrönmjöl 14,3 %
Solrosfrömjöl 8,1 %
Korn (expanderat) 8,0 %
majs (expanderat) 8,0 %
vetekli 6,0 %
Lusern torkat (hö) 5,0 %
Korn (flingor) 5,0 %
Havreskalkli 4,7 %
frukt (äppel) drav 4,4 %
Ärtor (flingor) 4,0 %
Havre 4,0 %
Johannesbröd styckat 4,0 %
linfrömjöl 2,1 %
majs (krossad) 1,9 %
mariatistelolja 1,5 %
morötter (torkade) 0,8 %
persilja 0,8 %
paprika (torkad) 0,8 %
Äpplen (torkade) 0,8 %
fermenterade extrakt (EMH) 0,6 %
Rödbetsmelass 0,2 %
rödbetor (torkade) 0,1 %
Råprotein 13,20 %
Råfett 4,40 %
Växttråd 12,00 %
Råaska 4,40 %
Kalcium 0,46 %
Fosfor 0,42 %
Natrium 0,04 %
Magnesium 0,18 %
Vitamin A (3a672a) NA 7.500,00 I.E.
Vitamin D3 (3a671) NA 700,00 I.E.
Vitamin E (3a700i) NA 150,00 mg
Vitamin C (3a312) NA 30,00 mg
Vitamin B1 (3a821) NA 1,00 mg
Vitamin B2 (3a825i) NA 2,00 mg
Vitamin B6 NA 1,00 mg
Nikotinsyra NA 15,00 mg
Ca-pantothenat NA 10,00 mg
Biotin (3a880) NA 290,00 mcg
Folinsyra NA 1,50 mg
Kolin (3a890) NA 48,00 mg
Järn (3b103) (Järn(II)sulfat, Monohydrat) NA 8,00 mg
Mangan (3b502) (Manganoxid) NA 25,00 mg
Zinkoxid (3b603) NA 40,00 mg
Koppar (3b405) (Koppar(II)sulfat, Pentahydrat) NA 7,00 mg
Selen (3b801) (Natriumselenit) NA 0,15 mg
Jod (3b202) (Kalciumjodat, vattenfri) NA 0,30 mg
Subject to change
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